#31daysofhorror week 2 episode

#31daysofhorror week 2 episode

Stef (witchxpudding), L (@nocturnical), Mel (@heda_mel), & Al (@maybmockingbird) continue Ghost in the Magazine's #31daysofhorror challenge with seven new movies that range from "I'm mad about watching this" to "I'm not mad about watching this." There's no real uniting theme this week, just some absolutely terrible picks & some that were alright.
#31daysofhorror day 6: Flesheater (1988)

#31daysofhorror day 6: Flesheater (1988)

Movies have different purposes. Some aspire to tell you a great story, to make you think about your own life & purpose on earth parallel to it, to delve into the great questions of our existence — some are just terribly acted vehicles for titties, not just a single pair but lots & lots of titties.