Episode 71: Trancers

https://open.spotify.com/episode/5UWjbdfoBtr1iynrxR4mJy?si=3252afd616a14bd6 With great regret we must wrap Full Moon May. It's been delightful & our final episode is just wall-to-wall unhinged cackling about our favorite time traveling alpha grandpa, Jack…

Episode 70: Subspecies

https://open.spotify.com/episode/6HOGLAJ8amdh86Jfv9EPZb?si=48a40f18a0554e3f What happens when the tall man bangs a magical hag? A lot of weird shuddering & awkwardly backing into crevices along ancient castle walls but also dumptruck demons sexily…

Episode 69: Bad Channels

https://open.spotify.com/episode/6jDffQiQr2vo6TV2l8ANBs?si=afdb9c8ff4754cc7 Episode 69 — NIIIICE! So, let's talk about the best & most Full Moon-y of Full Moon movies, 1992's Bad Channels. Stef (@witchxpudding), L (@nocturnical), & Nate (@badbenpimp69) read…

Episode 68: Evil Bong

https://open.spotify.com/episode/4D18q0cvhGcetUFAV9iE4Y?si=0a72a1a15a2d4753 What do you get when you mix a nerd named Alistair, a Chong cameo and Stripper Purgatory? You get a movie apparently only Stef (@witchxpudding) could love! Stef, L…