#31daysofhorror day 7: 14 Cameras (2018)

#31daysofhorror day 7: 14 Cameras (2018)

Voyeurism, basement dwelling, unreasonably buff grandpa

Did you ever wonder what happened to Brainy from Hey Arnold? Isn’t it wild that he grew up into a crusty, melted-turtle looking moist grandfather? Okay, so the jist of the movie is this capitalist pig boomer rigs up his rentals with cameras & sells the footage of his unsuspecting renters on the dark web — making bank on both ends, you know winning. He’s also somehow hitting the gym on the reg too, or he’s just chugging canisters of ooze he found in a sewer next to some glowing turtles. Whatever he’s doing, it makes him unreasonably formidable on top of extra creepy. I don’t know exactly who is the audience for this movie but it ain’t us. If you like trauma & violent, mouth-breathing grandpas who look like they just stepped in from a torrential downpour despite never leaving their basement lair, this might be for you… But we probably aren’t. Nah, probably should block us.



Host ratings

Stef: 1 C.H.U.D.
L: 0.5 C.H.U.D.s (the bottom half)
Mel: 1 C.H.U.D.
Al: -1 C.H.U.D.

Average: 0.5 C.H.U.D.s