Five movies that got me into watching horror

Pumpkinhead, Sleepaway Camp, Chopping Mall, Re-Animator, and The Puppetmaster franchise.

Five movies that aren’t for me

Splice, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, Overlord, Dolls, House

Five movies I loved covering on this podcast

I’ll let you know.

Five actors, directors, studios, or writers that I always look out for

Jordan Peele, Barbara Crampton, Clive Barker, Sam Raimi, Brad Dourif

Three characters I can’t help but love

Judy from Sleepaway Camp; that one C.H.U.D. who was listening to “Jeremy” from Pearl Jam; and Psycho Goreman.

Freddie, Jason, or Michael?

Almost an impossible question, gotta go with Krueger though. He has flair!

What does a perfect horror movie look like for you?

Midsommar. But I have much love for cheesy 80s slashers.

Just so you know…

I sometimes talk about dicks too much.