Virgo sun, Scorpio moon, Virgo rising

Five movies that got me into watching horror

Spawn, Scream, Child’s Play, IT, Trilogy of Terror

Movies that aren’t for me


Five movies I loved covering on this podcast

IT month, Queen of the Damned, Tales from the Hood, The Faculty, The Witch

Five actors, directors, studios, or writers that I always look out for

Wes Craven, John Carpenter, Sam Raimi, Jordan Peele, Guillermo Del Toro

Three characters I can’t help but love

Sidney Prescott, Mike Hanlon and Charles Lee Ray

Freddie, Jason, or Michael?


A perfect horror movie should include

Ultimately, I want to not be frustrated by the main character and I want to have a good time.

I want there to be a solid story line, good lore, and great practical effects.