31daysofhorror, day 22: Silent Madness (1984)

31daysofhorror, day 22: Silent Madness (1984)

Mommy issues, unapologetically rapey, makes no sense

Let’s bffr here, this movie is ridiculous. Due to a wildly incompetent mistake at a psychiatric facility, criminally insane Howard Johns is released instead of John Howard. Johns was imprisoned years  before after he was spanked by sorority girls and so embarrassed he lost his marbles and started killing folx. Now it’s up to Dr. Joan Gilmore to put an end to him while battling blatant misogyny from her peers and repeated attempts by orderlies to SA her.


Host ratings

Stef: 1 C.H.U.D.
L: .5 C.H.U.D.
Mel: 1 C.H.U.D.
Al: 1.5 C.H.U.D.s

Average: 1 C.H.U.D.