Episode 89: Week five of #31daysofhorror2022

Happy Halloween! This week’s picks was a wild mix & there were some absolute bangers & then George Romero’s The Amusement Park. This week’s showrunner was Stef (@witchxpudding) who was joined by L (@nocturnical). This week’s editor was Jay (@atlas_snow).

Rough timestamps: Amusement Park, 3:40; The House of the Devil, 7:50; Tailgate, 15:05; The Medium, 26:35; The Wailing, 34:10; Knife + Heart, 39:45; The Sadness, 49:35.

Visit us at ghostinthemagazine.site or follow us on twitter @gitmpodcast. Thank you Nate for the tunes, soundcloud.com/nfr-1.

Season 3, episode 5