Episode 85: Week one of #31daysofhorror 2022

Whoa, happy season three! The lights are back on at GITM headquarters & Stef (@witchxpudding) & L (@nocturnical) are shooting the shit like they did in the great old days. We’re talking about ball-sack shaped creatures that are older than the concept of being old, anti-marxist marshmallow fluff, & that guy that played Sookie Stackhouse’s brother before he accepted the role of a lifetime putting parts of his body in a cursed gloryhole.

Rough timestamps: The Void, 2:15; The Stuff, 8:35; Glorious, 16:00.

Visit us at ghostinthemagazine.site or follow us on twitter @gitmpodcast. Thank you Nate for the tunes, soundcloud.com/nfr-1.

Season 3, episode 1.